Android vs IOS | Find out which one is better for you in 2020

Android vs iOS

Confused between ios and android? Here is full detailed comparison between two OS. 

So Android vs iOS, this battle is like a never ending race for previous years and now as well. Many smartphone users are always confused that should they switch their operating system to the alien operating system or not, or they should continue with their in used operating system. 

So here we will try our best to make a good comparison between android and ios, so that you can make your best choice in 2020. 

See if you would ask for the number of  user for these operating systems then for android there are almost 70% users and somewhat 27% users are of ios and remaining 3% are with symbian, Windows, KiaOS etc. So on the basis of number of users android stands as best operating system in smartphones but this doesn't means that ios is no where in front of Andoird. 

Let's discuss some  points on which we can easily diffrentiate between two. 

1. Customization

So if you love doing customization on your phone then you must go for the android. Because android allows you to changes the themes, add different widgets, change the launcher and many more options whereas ios do not allows you to make much changes on the home screen and widgets. If you want simple usee interface then go with ios. 

2. Google maps vs Apple maps 

Maps are also good point of consideration while selection of better ios. Android own it's Google maps which works on GPS and apple has its own Apple maps. Here some things which make both maps different from each other 

  • Apple maps give you better 3D viewing experience whereas it is not upto mark in google maps 
  • You can change languages in google maps and it supports upto 60+ language. In apple mapps you can not change language here siri is Apple Maps language. 
  • You got an option to download and save maps on Google Maps whereas you can not download maps on Apple Maps. 
  • Google Maps shows you the opening and closing time of shops, firms and different organisations but Apple maps dosen’t give you this option. 

3. Google Assistant vs Siri

Here I can say you without any confusion that Google Assistant is way better than Siri. Here we can not ignore the fact that Siri lands first in market and Google assistant comes later but still Google Assistant sounds good to many of it's users. Let's look at some point to justify this. 

  • So siri covers the full screen while we operates it whereas Google assistant covers half of your screen and can be made full screen as well but it may not be a major factor for some users.
  • The main con with Siri in Indian Market is that Hindi language is alien to Siri and Google assistant have full support of Hindi language. 
As of all Google assistant gives you better experience in day to day life works as well but don't know why Apple did not developed Siri as it should be. 

4. Updates 

In terms of update Apple stand first without any doubt. Apple's 5 year old devices  still supports the updates which  Apple push now as Apple is individual manufacturer for its iPhones and handle all by own. Whereas if we talk about updates in an android devices it depends on processor manufacturer and smartphone brand manufacturers that when they are going to give updates to their devices so for all android devices updates do not come at same time.

6. Camera 

You may have  heard that Apple phone cameras are best in all smartphones and it is some what true as well. See main factor for  the image quality is not only the megapixel that camera have but also the image processing power that processor have. 

Now it's a major point of talk between two OS. If we look at android devises they give camera of 'x' company and processor of 'y' company and design and build of 'z' company and at last software is provided by Google. So the image processing here become quite difficult and complicated. 

Here in Apple devices apple provide it's own processor, own camera lens, own design and built, and own software which makes image processing easy and it allows to process image by their own and keep improvments in it. 

So when we click image it's not only a question that what megapixel camera is used, the question also arises that how software process image. 

7. Battery 

In terms of battery's quantity android phones usually wins with their big battery backup and iPhones give low battery quantity but still the way Apple optimized the battery life is just amazing with a small battery capacity iPhone devices still performs upto Mark. 

*Here I did not considererd the iPhones which were having really low battery capacity. 

8. Root and Jailbreak 

So in simple words root and jailbreak means getting full control on your device. We can somehow root and jailbreak our android device but here Apple takes good place and does not allows you to root and jailbreak your iPhone devise. It proves that how good is Apple's security.                        

 By making your phone root and jailbreak you simply allows 3rd party apps to access your devise so I will not advise you to take such steps. 

9. Gaming 

Without any argument I can easily suggest you that iPhones have way better gaming experience. Gaming all depends on the processor used and Apple's flagship processor is always better than a android flagship processor. So for gaming I would suggest you to go with IOS. 

10. Price Point 

Price point is the main reason for users to choose between android and IOS. As we know that iPhone comes at higher prices than a simple android devise so it all depends on buyer if they can afford buying an iPhone. 


So after all it's users choice if he/she wants to customize their device or want to keep it simple, wants better camera and many more. Generally buyer do not change it's operating system while buying a new device they generally prefer to stuck what they were using until now. So if you are thinking to switch to ios or android here we discussed for you to make your decision simple and good as well. 

And at last we can say you that neither iPhone nor android will disappoint you when you are going to use them in long term.

We hope that  this article makes your tough decision somewhat easier. 

That's all in it for now and will update with new factors soon. 
This is Dhruv signing off :) 

Any wrong information or suggestions? 
Do let us know on 

Team Technical Ponder 


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